For my fourth game of Age of Sigmar I played against Shane's mixed chaos nonsense again. 1000 points each.
My list:
Hq: Tomb Banshee (General), Cairn Wraith
Battleline: Spirit Hosts (9), Hexwraiths (10)
Other: Mortis Engine (I know the mortis isn't legal in nighthaunt army but it was a friendly)
Exactly 1000 points
Traits and Artifacts were -1 bravery (to synergize with the Banshee howl), and the artifact that grants an additional 3" to movement for nearby units.
Shane had... stuff? I don't know. His armies are typically a mess of unpainted and not fully assembled models, so yeah. He had some allied ogres. and some khorne-y chaos warriors.
The game wasn't spectacular. Our first turns was just moving and then I got off a lucky charge and rather stupidly charged my spirit hosts into some blood crushers and chaos warriors leading to all 9 spirit hosts being killed by turn 4, but they did at least kill the crushers. This came as a surprise as the spirit hosts are usually man of the match, deleting units and taking few casualties. What was the man of the match was the mortis engine. I stole first phase, turn 2 and the mortis engine used its ranged attack and opened its reliquary and did about 4-5 mortal to 5 different units, really neutering the army. From there the Hexwraiths hit and at this stage there was nothing that could really take the massed rending attacks, and I slowly destroyed the rest of the force. Lost about 50% of my army during the game, but annihilated his. Was a close first round, but that mortis engine just crippled the army. If Shane had taken first turn on round 2, things could have gone very differently. Hopefully next game is against someone who is a bit more together with their tactics.
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