Thursday, July 20, 2017

Edited Blood Angels list

Due to the odd business practices of my FLGS and his GW supplier, I still don't have any red spray, and so have not been able to get my Stormraven's even table ready. So I have revised my list for a game this weekend, and for the first time since I bought them and painted them up, not only will an assassin be gracing the table, but an entire Assassinorum Force. 

Patrol Detachment -
HQ - Terminator Captain
Troops - 2 Tactical Squads
Elites - Assault Terminators
Fast Attack - Assault Squad
Heavy Support - Baal Predator, Land Raider Crusader

Vanguard Detachment
HQ - Lemartes 
Elites - Death Company, Vindicare Assassin, Calidus Assassin, Eversor Assassin, Culexus Assassin

A Total of 1995 pts/118 PL and 4 CP

The entire army is painted up with the exception of a Tactical squad which requires some last finishing touches, and Lemartes and his Death Company, which are in various states of completion. The army is entirely WYSIWYG (except for the Terminator Ancient who is just a normal Terminator and was built and painted before 8th)

Will update on how the game went in a couple of days, unless of course I just end up playing a small friendly against a mate.

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