So just completed my Direwolves conversion using Fenrisian wolves. I'm not a huge fan of the current direwolf models as they look a bit piggish in my opinion. Hopefully they get some new models soon. Since these wolves are a tad less decomposed I had to give them some sort of ethereal look and this was achieved with the glowing green eyes. I think I saw someone else do the same thing on the internet somewhere but couldn't for the life of me find it, so here's a tutorial for those of you who like it. Note, the eyes for these models can be a tad uneven at times which means you have to be quite precise or else your wolves will look a bit lopsided. Precise here is by the standards of the army, so it isn't too difficult, as this is supposed to be a high quality tabletop ready paint scheme, not winning any awards.
Step 1: Basecoat model black (I used Chaos Black Spray)
Step 2: heavy drybrush of Eshin Grey
Step 3: Light drybrush of Dawnstone
Step 1: paint gums and tongue and fleshy bits Screamer Pink
Step 2: Paint teeth Ushabti Bone
Step 3: wash all with Carroburg Crimson
Step 4: Highlight teeth with Kislev Flesh (I use Kislev instead of a more bone or tooth colour because the crimson gives the teeth a nice dirty/just ate sort of look and the Kislev highlights this well. You also shouldn't go too bright for your teeth as it will take attention away from the eyes)
Step 1: use watered down Warpstone Glow on the entire eye socket area (you want it to run into the recess around the raised eye, where the rest of the colours should also run to pick out the eye)
Step 2: use watered down Moot Green on the inner eye socket (I did this step twice for best results)
Step 3: Use a small amount of watered down Yriel Yellow (do not go crazy with this, but don't be too sparing, it will dull as it dries and it will be toned down in a later step)
Step 4: Dot the raised eye bit with White Scar
Step 5: Glaze the yellow and white with Waywatcher Green to bring them back to green a bit
Step 6: Do one final dot of white in the centre of the eye to finish
Any mistakes should be quite easily removed with a bit of watered down Warpstone Glow
This should be enough for some as it creates a nice subtle glow, but if you want it to be a bit brighter you can do a small lighting effect with some drybrushing
Eye Glow:
Step 1: Drybrush around the eye socket with Warpstone glow
Step 2: Drybrush again with Moot Green, but more centered on the eye socket
Step 3: a very light drybrushing of Yriel Yellow very focused on the Eye socket just to brighten up the green
And done
Another thing to note is that the yellow should never really look yellow, it should just look from a distance like a really bright green. Green is fantastic for glow effects for this reason, because you have a whole other colour to work up to before white which really makes it pop.